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BORDERLESS HOUSE Epidemic Prevention Measures Announcement (2021.07.09 updated)

(We've released the latest information for Chinese version. Please check it. We'll update the English version soon!)

Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse in Taiwan. Everyone is starting to worry about if we were close to the footprint of the confirmed case, and also worry about our living environment. Especially in this serious situation whether you should choose to live in a share house as your accommodation.

We understand your worries, therefore, we introduced several new measures to allow everyone to live in BORDERLESS HOUSE as a safe accommodation.
(effective from July 13th)

Online room viewing only. Avoid letting our tenant reach uncertain people.

BORDERLESS HOUSE will only provide Online room viewing to avoid the possibility of letting our tenant access uncertain people. All staff in BORDERLESS HOUSE will also take body temperature measurements, disinfect our hands with sanitizer, and wear masks every day and before we get into BORDERLESS houses.

If the community infection level rises to the fourth level, the online viewing service will be canceled and the pre-recorded video will be used instead.

All outbound and inbound tenants can enter BORDERLESS HOUSE only after 14-days quarantine.

All tenant who has outbound and inbound these days, they must go through a 14-days quarantine and get negative for PCR test before moving into BORDERLESS HOUSE.

Cancel all unnecessary visits.

In addition to moving in, moving out, room viewings, and emergency repairs, we will also try to minimize the chance of visits to houses.

Not allowed to invite friends to the house.

Please DONOT invite anyone who is not the tenants to visit the house.
You could have only ONE person to help you to carry the languages if necessary.
And make sure to wash the hand.

In order to reduce contact, the rent payment method encourages transfer or credit card payment.

In addition to transferring and using credit cards, tenants who need to pay in cash should use the bank "cash deposit" method to pay the rent.
Sign up for SMS contact tracking system if you have to visit the office.

All BORDERLESS HOUSE offline activities will be suspended

In order to avoid crowd gathering and unnecessary contact, all offline activities of BORDERLESS HOUSE will be suspended until the pandemic getting better. As to whether some activities will be held online, we will inform everyone at that time.


In addition to the epidemic prevention measures mentioned above, all staff of BORDERLESS HOUSE will take daily body temperature checks and regularly disinfect the office to ensure that the health of all staff will not affect our tenants.

We also recommend that everyone could download the "Taiwan Social Distance" app and add the official LINE account of the "Ministry of Health and Welfare" to check whether there is a confirmed case nearby and also to confirm the epidemic information.

We understand that the epidemic has done a great influence in our daily life, but if we can all follow the CDC’s instructions, doing the prevention as much as we could, we believe that the epidemic shall end in the future, and we can all get our life back on track!


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