male 10's
female 20's
The Shuanglian 1 House is smack dab in the center of a lot of food places for you to explore. It is also a short walk away from the famous Ningxia Nightmarket and a very close walk to the Zhongshang Station for shopping. If eating out is not your speed, there is also a supermarket not super far away as well as the Shuanglian Daily Market close by to purchase groceries. The housemates are very helpful with any questions you may have regarding to living in Taiwan and general places to to. 雙連1的房子位於許多美食場所的中心,讓您可以盡情探索。它距離著名的寧夏夜市只有短短的步行距離,並且離忠孝新生捷運站也很近,方便您購物。如果您不喜歡外出用餐,附近也有超市,並且有雙連日常市場可以購買日常所需的食材。與室友們相處非常愉快,他們也很樂意解答您關於在台灣生活或旅遊的各種問題。
male 20's
During my stay at Borderless House, the most impressive aspect was the vibrant community. Living with people from diverse backgrounds enriched my understanding of different cultures and perspectives. This experience has significantly broadened my worldview and taught me the value of collaboration and open-mindedness. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to connect with others and grow personally! 在我居住於Borderless House的期間,最讓我印象深刻的就是那個充滿活力的社群。與來自不同背景的人共同生活,讓我更深刻地理解了各種文化和觀點。這段經歷極大地拓寬了我的世界觀,也讓我學會了合作與開放心態的重要性。我強烈推薦給任何想要與他人建立連結並成長的朋友!
male 20's
The Borderless House website can really be trusted, it describes really well what kind of daily life you can expect here. The most important thing is to be patient and respectful toward the other tenants, sometimes communication can be tough because of language barrier. Be yourself, try to stay discreet but always up to sharing experiences with other. It's a very interesting and instructive experience.
male 20's
皆でunoしたり海に行って泳いだり、ご飯を一緒に食べたり、何気ないことが楽しかったです! 大家一起玩UNO、去海邊游泳、一起吃飯,這些平常的事情都讓我感到很開心!
female 30's
台湾人だけでなく色んな国の方との交流があるため、視野がとても広がります。 因為不僅與台灣人,還有來自不同國家的人士交流,所以視野會大大拓展。
male 20's
我發現跟很多人一起住其實沒有那麼麻煩。 I found that living with many people is actually not that troublesome.
female 20's
真的很喜歡這個地方!! 大家像家人一樣相處,有問題也會互相幫忙,是很溫暖的地方!! 跟室友溝通都是中英日夾雜,語言會進步的很快!!真的很捨不得離開這個地方,之後有機會會回來住的!! I really love this place!! Everyone gets along like family, and we help each other out when there are issues. It's a very warm and welcoming place!! Communication with housemates is a mix of Chinese, English, and Japanese, so the language skills improve quickly!! I’m truly reluctant to leave this place and will definitely come back if I have the chance!!
female 20's
It’s very important to observe how the housemates live and then adapt accordingly. I was very glad to discuss with them so I think being always opened to discussion is a good thing. 觀察室友的生活方式並相應地調整自己是非常重要的。我很高興能與他們討論,因此我認為保持開放的討論態度是一件好事。
female 20's
Chatting to my housemates about their respective countries and learning about how other countries operate was really interesting. Thank you to Borderless House for facilitating cross-cultural exchange through these sharehouses! 和室友聊他們各自國家的事情,了解其他國家的運作方式,真的很有趣。感謝Borderless House通過這些sharehouses促進跨文化交流!
male 20's
我大概在borderlesshouse住了8個月。在這邊的生活給我深刻很好的印象,比如說很和善的室友門,特別的活動,很熱情的staff,很疼的時候關心我等等。我不會忘記跟室友的生活。 저는 한국사람이고 보더리스에서 8개월 가량 살았습니다. 이곳에서의 생활은 저에게 깊은 인상을 심어주었습니다 예를 들면, 친절한 룸메이트들, 열정적인 직원들 그리고 제가 아팠을때 관심을 가져주는 사람이 있었습니다. 저는 이곳에서 룸메이트들과 했던 생활을 잊지 못할 거에요.
female 20's
Staff are always so so kind and helpful. Thanks everyone. I really like my flatmates and everyone I lived with was great. 員工總是非常友善和樂於助人。謝謝大家。我真的很喜歡我的室友,與我一起生活的每個人都很棒。
male 20's
對我來說,住在Borderless House 中山雙連1是很寶貴的經驗。認識很多好朋友,參加好玩的活動,是好的回憶。感謝我的室友們跟BH STAFF們! For me, living in Borderless House Shuanglian 1 has been a valuable experience. I have made many good friends and participated in enjoyable activities, which are cherished memories. I am grateful to my roommates and the BH staff!
female 20's
male 20's
Ha Yung
female 20's
코로나 시국에 그나마 언어를 연습할 수 있는 곳이었습니다. 소중한 경험 주셔서 감사합니다! 就算是在Covid 19這樣的時期也可以練習語言的地方。謝謝這邊給我如此珍貴的回憶!
male 20's
共居是一個很好在進入職場後認識朋友的管道,更能實際的練習外語能力,並學著如何團體生活,如果你能接受共居的缺點,它會是一個很好的選擇。 Co-living is a good way to meet friends after entering the workplace. You can practice foreign language skills more practically and learn how to live in a group. If you can accept the shortcomings of co-living, it will be a good choice.
female 20's
female 20's
1년동안 좋은 룸메이트들을 많이 만나서 불편함 없이 즐거운 시간을 보낸 것 같습니다! 시간이 어떻게 흘려갔는지 모를정도로 행복한 시간이었습니다! 감사합니다
female 20's
male 20's
Sing Yuk
male 20's
STAFF們很有意思,定期會有不同類型的社交活動舉辦,來自不同國家地區的房客也十分有意思~ Share house內的語言交流環境十分好,可以鍛煉自己的口語運用能力,了解不同國家的社會文化~ Best choice in Taipei and great living environment with different housemates~ ( ´・ω・)ノ
male 20's
To live in the Borderlesshouse in Taipei was a great experience... Great flat and roommates who were always willing to help each other.... Get to know people from different cultures... To put it short. A wonderful time
male 20's
住在這邊兩個多月,認識了很多新朋友,分享彼此的生活和故事,為平凡的上班生活增添了許多色彩,推薦想多認識朋友的大家可以選擇borderless house👍
My time at Borderless has been a great one. Before moving in I was, as many people are, worried about living with other people and the troubles it can cause. However, it turned out to be completely the opposite. Instead, I feel like Borderless House embraces the shared accommodation concept, regularly arranging social events. Furthermore, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds has been very interesting and enjoyable. Although the so called “language barrier” could be a problem sometimes we always found a way to understand each other. Borderless House has been the perfect balance of privacy and openness. You can choose to be social or alone depending on how you feel. In conclusion, I did not find the shard accommodation troublesome at all. Rather, I really enjoyed it, feeling a strong connection with the other tenants. 我在BORDERLESS的時光非常愉快。在搬進來之前,我和很多人一樣,對與他人同住以及可能會帶來的麻煩感到擔心。然而,結果完全相反。相反地,我覺得BORDERLESS House非常重視共享住宿的概念,並定期舉辦社交活動。此外,遇到來自不同文化和背景的人非常有趣且愉快。雖然所謂的“語言障礙”有時可能會成為問題,但我們總是能找到理解彼此的方法。BORDERLESS House完美地平衡了隱私和開放性。根據自己的感覺,你可以選擇社交或獨處。總之,我完全沒有覺得共享住宿有什麼麻煩,反而非常享受這段時光,並與其他租客建立了深厚的聯繫。