House Search
House Search
Quick Links! / New Info!


What kind of people living in Borderless House?

What is the daily life like?

Can I take a look at the house first?

How much is the initial fee?

We will help you with any questions you might have!
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


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Please use the email address provided by other companies (Gmail, yahoo, ...etc.), or refer to the link to solve the problem.
If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

Please enter '0' if you do not have a phone number.
※If you don't have the account, please fill in nope.


We have an age limit at Borderless House from 18 to 35 years.
※We will propose a room suitable for the move in date of your choice. If you do not have a specific date to move in, please fill in “ undecided”.

Considerable Rent Range (Upper Limit)*

※If a specific location is not decided, please fill in 'undecided'.

Room type*