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BORDERLESS HOUSE TAIPEI MAIN STATION 1 - Share House in Taipei Main Station Area

There is no vacancy at this time.


Borderless House opened new apartment near Taipei Main station! It takes only 13 mins to Taipei main station, 3 mins to Shandao Temple station from this house! What a good location it is! There is Bannan line on Shandao Temple station and Taipei main station. This guest house is for 8 people and we have a huge living room and rooms! There are supermarkets and convenience stores around the station, and you can go there in 3 mins! 8 people’s house is suited for share house and your housemates welcoming you when you come back home! Housemate stays in short term and long term as well, which is different from hostels in Taipei !! It means you can make friends who are closer relationship with you :) Why not start your new life in this International share house with Taiwanese!

Required time to terminal
- Taipei Main station : 13mins
- Daan station: 10mins
- Gongguan: 11 mins
- Guting station: 8mins

  • Taipei Main station・Ximen Area
  • Shandao temple station, Bannan Line, 3 mins walk.
  • Community Members Countries tenants!
  • Apartment Type
  • 4~9 people
  • Non smoking house
  • 5mins walk from the station
  • Gender Mix


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


sharehouse access map

The closest station

  • Shandao temple station, Bannan Line, 3 mins walk.
  • Taipei Main station, Bannan Line, 13 mins walk.


In Common Space

  • Kettle
  • Refrigerator
  • Two toilets
  • Locker with key
  • Rice Cooker
  • Two wash-basin
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • TV
  • Washing machine
  • Two Shower room

In Each Room

  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • Should bring your own bed set. Or we also offer purchased service. (Please contact the staff.)
  • Bed / Bookshelf / Clothing Storage
  • Air Conditioner
  • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair


※The electric power consumption in summer period would be high, so utility fee for May. to Oct. will be 1,200 NTD.
※Rent may vary with the choice of the contract type. Prior to booking, please review the 【Rent and Contracts】carefully.
Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 1 8.8㎡AnyNT$ 14,000NT$ 800


Room for 1 13.5㎡AnyNT$ 14,200NT$ 800


Software developer. Borderless house is convenient. Video games and anime. Enjoying life.
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Software developer. Borderless house is convenient. Video games and anime. Enjoying life. 我是軟體開發人員,Borderless House在居住上非常方便,我喜歡打電動遊戲及看日本動畫片,我非常享受生活。

Room for 3 17.4㎡FemaleNT$ 7,800NT$ 800


I just moved from Taichung to Taipei for my job. I once lived in a borderless house in Tokyo so I am looking forward to enjoy a new period of my life here and meet some new friends!
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I just moved from Taichung to Taipei for my job. I once lived in a borderless house in Tokyo so I am looking forward to enjoy a new period of my life here and meet some new friends! 因為我的工作,我剛剛從台中搬到台北。我曾經住在東京的BH,所以我很期待在這裡享受我生活的新篇章,並認識一些新朋友!

NT$ 7,800NT$ 800


Hello, I'm studying for a master's degree. And I choose Borderless House because convenience for commuting to the university. and I want to get to know, learn, and exchange with friends in various aspects. In my free time, I like to read novels and listen to the music. The purpose of my trip to Taiwan on this occasion is to engage in engineering research for a duration of three months.
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Hello, I'm studying for a master's degree. And I choose Borderless House because convenience for commuting to the university. and I want to get to know, learn, and exchange with friends in various aspects. In my free time, I like to read novels and listen to the music. The purpose of my trip to Taiwan on this occasion is to engage in engineering research for a duration of three months. 你好,我正在念碩士學位。我選擇Borderless House是因為去學校方便。我想和朋友們進行多方面的認識、學習、溝通。在空閒時間,我喜歡看小說和聽音樂。我這次來台灣的目的是從事為期三個月的工程研究。

NT$ 7,800NT$ 800


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我是Alice(小葵),北漂2年半,來台北工作,我很喜歡這裡的環境,空間很舒服,遇到很多很棒的室友,很高興認識你們!!!! Hi, I'm Alice. I have lived and worked in Taipei for two and half years. I really like the environment here. It's really cozy. And I met a lof of amazing housemates here. Nice to meet you all!!!

Room for 1 13.9㎡AnyNT$ 14,200NT$ 800


I'm a Web Developer and the reason why I choose BH is to make new friends & exchanging thoughts and languages. My hobbies are cooking, scuba diving and cider making. For me, I'm passionate about being a lazy person. 我是一名網頁開發者,我選擇BH的原因是為了結交新朋友、交流想法和語言。我的興趣包括烹飪、潛水和釀造蘋果酒。對我而言,我對成為一個懶惰的人充滿熱情!
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I'm a Web Developer and the reason why I choose BH is to make new friends & exchanging thoughts and languages. My hobbies are cooking, scuba diving and cider making. For me, I'm passionate about being a lazy person. 我是一名網頁開發者,我選擇BH的原因是為了結交新朋友、交流想法和語言。我的興趣包括烹飪、潛水和釀造蘋果酒。對我而言,我對成為一個懶惰的人充滿熱情!

There is no vacancy at this time.

※The electric power consumption in summer period would be high, so utility fee for May. to Oct. will be 1,200 NTD.

There is no vacancy at this time.


NT$ 14,000

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


NT$ 14,200

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Software developer. Borderless house is convenient. Video games and anime. Enjoying life.Read more...

Software developer. Borderless house is convenient. Video games and anime. Enjoying life. 我是軟體開發人員,Borderless House在居住上非常方便,我喜歡打電動遊戲及看日本動畫片,我非常享受生活。


NT$ 7,800

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 3 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I just moved from Taichung to Taipei for my job. I once lived in a borderless house in Tokyo so I am looking forward to enjoy a new period of my life here and meet some new friends!Read more...

I just moved from Taichung to Taipei for my job. I once lived in a borderless house in Tokyo so I am looking forward to enjoy a new period of my life here and meet some new friends! 因為我的工作,我剛剛從台中搬到台北。我曾經住在東京的BH,所以我很期待在這裡享受我生活的新篇章,並認識一些新朋友!


NT$ 7,800

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 3 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Hello, I'm studying for a master's degree. And I choose Borderless House because convenience for commuting to the university. and I want to get to know, learn, and exchange with friends in various aspects. In my free time, I like to read novels and listen to the music. The purpose of my trip to Taiwan on this occasion is to engage in engineering research for a duration of three months.Read more...

Hello, I'm studying for a master's degree. And I choose Borderless House because convenience for commuting to the university. and I want to get to know, learn, and exchange with friends in various aspects. In my free time, I like to read novels and listen to the music. The purpose of my trip to Taiwan on this occasion is to engage in engineering research for a duration of three months. 你好,我正在念碩士學位。我選擇Borderless House是因為去學校方便。我想和朋友們進行多方面的認識、學習、溝通。在空閒時間,我喜歡看小說和聽音樂。我這次來台灣的目的是從事為期三個月的工程研究。


NT$ 7,800

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 3 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


我是Alice(小葵),北漂2年半,來台北工作,我很喜歡這裡的環境,空間很舒服,遇到很多很棒的室友,很高興認識你們!!!! Hi, I'm Alice. I have lived and worked in Taipei for two and half years. I really like the environment here. It's really cozy. And I met a lof of amazing housemates here. Nice to meet you all!!!


NT$ 14,200

Utilities and InternetNT$ 800


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I'm a Web Developer and the reason why I choose BH is to make new friends & exchanging thoughts and languages. My hobbies are cooking, scuba diving and cider making. For me, I'm passionate about being a lazy person. 我是一名網頁開發者,我選擇BH的原因是為了結交新朋友、交流想法和語言。我的興趣包括烹飪、潛水和釀造蘋果酒。對我而言,我對成為一個懶惰的人充滿熱情!Read more...

I'm a Web Developer and the reason why I choose BH is to make new friends & exchanging thoughts and languages. My hobbies are cooking, scuba diving and cider making. For me, I'm passionate about being a lazy person. 我是一名網頁開發者,我選擇BH的原因是為了結交新朋友、交流想法和語言。我的興趣包括烹飪、潛水和釀造蘋果酒。對我而言,我對成為一個懶惰的人充滿熱情!

The room is currently full. Please sign up on the WAITING LIST if you wish to attend.

Since there are no vacancies at the moment, room-viewing is not possible.

Please feel free to ask for advice!

If your favorite room is not available right now, please fill out this form.You will be notified as soon as a new vacancy comes up.

Our system is currently having an error to send emails to the address provided by hotmail・livemail・outlook.
Please use the email address provided by other companies (Gmail, yahoo, ...etc.), or refer to the link to solve the problem.
If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

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female 20's

It’s so fun to learn from others and I am hoping we will continue to be friends long after I leave! 從其他人身上學習真的很有趣,我希望即使在我離開後,我們仍然能繼續保持朋友!


female 20's

I would recommend co-existing in the common area to meet your housemates! At first I had difficulty figuring out the house culture, but I quickly found out that the other housemates I lived with were very kind and social. The ones from Taiwan helped show me around and teach me Chinese, and one of the others not from Taiwan quickly became someone I could explore with!  我會建議在共用區域與室友共處,這樣可以更容易地認識彼此!起初,我有些困惑如何適應屋子的文化,但很快我發現,我和一起住的室友都非常友善和喜歡社交。來自台灣的室友幫助我熟悉周邊環境,並教我中文,而另一位不是來自台灣的室友迅速成為我可以一起探索的夥伴!


female 20's

同じ部屋に現地の方がいたのでたくさん話せたのがよかった。 因為同一個房間有當地的人,所以能夠聊得很多很好。


male 20's

My best advice for new tenants, try to have your first moment in the house during the night. I came in after school, very tired and just wanting to sleep, but I eventually ended up having dinner when all of my roommates were at home and it allowed me to meet them at the perfect time. It allowed me to meet people I will certainly never forget and always love even when I fly back home! :) 我對新房客的最好建議是,盡量在到房子的第一天晚上跟新室友相處。我是在放學後進來的,非常疲憊,只想睡覺,但我最後在所有室友都在家的時候吃了晚飯,這讓我在最好的時間見到了他們。這讓我認識了一些新朋友,我肯定永遠不會忘記,即使我飛回了家,也會一直愛著他們! :)


female 20's

這裡是一個很溫暖的地方(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵),我想我會永遠懷念英國室友跑給我的茶,能在這邊跟大概一起住一起玩一起交流真的很幸運! This is a very warm place (˶‾‾ -̫ ‾‾˵), I think I will always miss the tea that my British roommate ran to me, and I'm really lucky to be able to live here with probably play together and communicate with each other!


female 20's

I had a wonderful experience here!! Borderless staff and housemates are so nice that I was looking forward to going back home every day. Thank you for all your support and kindness in Taipei. 我在這裡有一個美好的回憶!!BH的員工和室友們都很好,我每天都在期待著回家。 感謝你們在台北的所有幫助!!


  • Inquire Searching for an available room

    Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

  • Room-viewing

    You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

  • Confirmation of room reservation

    You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

  • Contract・Move-in

    Making a contract either in our office or the House.


  • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
    You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
    Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
  • How much does it cost to move in?
    Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

    *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
    *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
    *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
    We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
    Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
    This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
    The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
    ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
    ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
  • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
  • Can I get along with my housemates?
    Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
    It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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