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【Quarantine Diary】Self-quarantine experience (3)

How Tenants do Self-quarantine 

Hello, this is Borderless House Seoul again.
We would like to share the last diary for tenant 's quarantine.
This time explains the last part of quarantine and moving in Borderless House.

Friday, Feb 23rd, 2021 - quarantine period

I am now drinking a cup of coffee and I only have 3 days left to go out.
Time flies but you, of course, feel bored. Let me share what I have done here.

I was mainly studying and working remotely for my employer. I tried to maintain an organized daily structure so my days looked pretty similar during the two weeks. I would get up, have breakfast and a coffee then work until lunch. After eating I would relax a bit, then work again until about 4 pm when I would typically exercise. Before going to sleep I would watch series and call my friends back home.

You might feel that this is just the daily round of life, but could be big when doing quarantine in the room alone. Making the structure, I also suggest you. 

Friday, Feb 26th, 2021 - Last day of quarantine

So my quarantine was done at 12 pm today and I was so excited to meet new friendsI booked a taxi with the Kakao-Taxi app as taxis are relatively cheap and I was a bit far away from the next subway station.

Borderless staff texted me before I got out of quarantine in order to fix a time for moving-in. The Borderless staff was at the house when I arrived, so moving in went very smoothly.

Living in Borderless house is a pleasure so far. It is very nice to always have people around (especially as all my classes are online) to explore the city, eating out etc. A big advantage is the opportunity to live with people from all over the world (especially Koreans as well) as it is very enriching.

Borderless House Information

How do you feel about all stories for quarantine and moving in Borderless House?
If you are not still getting at, We would share next experience soon with others!
We plan to share the other type of quarantine related to Government facility.

For your information,
When you arrive in the airport in Korea,
you will stay for 14 days (including arrival date) and 12 hours.

For example, Lukas arrived on Feb 12th and moved out on 26th at 12 pm.
Please do not worry as Borderless staff will inform you as well.

We will share the other experience again! 
Please keep checking our blog and thank you for reading.

To check the first dairy → Quarantine Diary


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