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BORDERLESS HOUSE UENO-UENO-TABATA1-Share House in Ueno, Asakusa, Akihabara

Available rooms
  • Male×Japanese nationality
  • Female×Japanese nationality
  • Female×Foreign nationality


Tabata house was built in 2010 for share house. It’s new and clean, moreover it has a garden outside. It takes 8 minutes from JR Tabata stationto the guest house. It’s easy access to main stations such as Ueno, Akihabara, and Tokyo by using JR Keihintohoku line from Tabata station. In Tabata station, there is a fashionable mall! You can stop by there and have a break in the nice café or buy food before going back home! On the weekend, the housemates go out altogether or have a small party at home! Let’s become a member of Tabata House!

  • Ueno・Asakusa・Akihabara Area
  • Tabata Station, JR Yamanote Line 8mins walk.
  • Community Members Countries tenants!
  • House Type
  • 4~9 people
  • Bathtub
  • Gender Mix


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened

※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


Area map

sharehouse area map
sharehouse access map

The closest station

  • Tabata Station, JR Yamanote Line 8mins walk.

The time required from the major railway stations

  • Shinjuku:16mins
  • Shibuya:23mins
  • Shinagawa:19mins
  • Takadanobaba:12mins
  • Ikebukuro:8mins
  • Ueno:4mins
  • Roppongi:28mins
  • Yokohama:42mins


In Common Space

  • Parking for bicycle
  • Two wash-basin
  • Rice Cooker
  • Microwave
  • Two toilets
  • One bathroom(shower & bathtub)
  • Refrigerator
  • Washing machine
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • TV

In Each Room

  • You could rent a bedding set from us or bring it by yourself. There is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen for a bedding set. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)
  • Bed / Bookshelf / Clothing Storage
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • Air Conditioner
  • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair


Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 2 9.72㎡Male¥47,000¥10,000


This is my first time living in Tokyo, so I’m excited to make new friends and enjoy every day to the fullest.
See more

こんにちは!!教育系の会社でマネージャーとして勤めています。英語は勉強中です。日本語は関西出身なので、関西弁が強く出てしまう場面があるかもです。ヨガの資格をもっているので、身体を動かすのが大好きです。休みの日は外で遊ぶのが好きなので、気になるご飯屋さんに友達と行ったり、気になる映画を観に出かけます。東京は初めてなので、色んな人と友達になって毎日をハッピーに過ごしたいと思います。よろしくお願いします!! Hi! I work in education as a manager, and I'm currently studying English. Since I'm from the Kansai region, my dialect sometimes comes out. I have a yoga certification and love staying active. On my days off, I enjoy going out, trying new restaurants with friends, and watching movies that catch my interest. This is my first time living in Tokyo, so I’m excited to make new friends and enjoy every day to the fullest. Looking forward to meeting you all!



新しい場所を観光すること、日本ドラマを見ること、音楽を聴くことが好きです。 新しい人々と繋がるのを楽しみにしています!
See more

私は日本の語学学校で勉強します。 英語、フランス語、スペイン語(少し忘れたけど)、日本語を話せます。新しい場所を観光すること、日本ドラマを見ること、音楽を聴くことが好きです。 新しい人々と繋がるのを楽しみにしています! hello, I will be studying at a language school in Japan. I speak English, French, Spanish, and Japanese. I enjoy visiting new places, watching dramas, and listening to music! I look forward to meeting new people!

Room for 1 7.45㎡Male¥70,000¥13,000


Room for 2 9.9㎡Female¥47,000¥10,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing

Will Open

2025.02.28Foreign nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
See more

こんにちは!日本語を勉強しているフランス人です。フランス語とタミル語を話します。日本語と英語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です。色々な場所で勉強したり、ジムに運動したりするのが好きです。休みの日は、友達と出かけたりすることが多いです。散歩好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello, I am a part-time employee who came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak French and Tamil and I’m (self-)studying Japanese and English. I like sports and studying in different places (like coffee shops, etc). I also like to discover and try things I haven't done before, like hiking, snowboarding, and camping. Looking forward to meeting someone who shares the same interests as me.

Room for 1 7㎡Female¥69,000¥13,000


See more

Hi! I’m a freelancer from Singapore and a native speaker of English and Mandarin. I also speak conversational Japanese which I want to improve on, and some Korean and baby French. My interests are anime, art, travelling, visiting museums and exhibitions, trying out new places with good food and coffee (: etc. Looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends! こんにちは!シンガポール出身のフリーランサーです。母語は英語と中国語で、日常会話レベルの日本語も話せます。あと、韓国語とフランス語も少し分かります。日本語を上達させたいしたいし、色んな言語と文化が溢れる環境も好きなので、入居を決めました。 アニメやアート、絵描き、旅行、カフェ巡り、美術館巡りなどが好きです。友達になりたくて、楽しい時間を過ごせることを楽しみにしてます (: よろしくお願いします!

Room for 1 8.28㎡Female¥70,000¥13,000


My hobbies are visiting museums and traveling. I also like to try restaurants and find new tastes.
See more

I am a systems engineer and work from home almost every day. I can speak Japanese. I am still learning English, but I would like to talk with people from different backgrounds. My hobbies are visiting museums and traveling. I also like to try restaurants and find new tastes. I’m looking forward to meeting new people! IT企業に勤める社会人です。ほぼ毎日在宅勤務をしています。英語は勉強中ですが、色々な人と話してみたいです。趣味は美術館巡りと旅行です!新しいレストランを行ってみたり、いろんな国の料理に挑戦するのが好きです。新しい出会いを楽しみにしています!

Room for 1 8.28㎡Male¥70,000¥13,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 2 9.9㎡Female¥47,000¥10,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing

Will Open

2025.02.28Foreign nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
See more

こんにちは!日本語を勉強しているフランス人です。フランス語とタミル語を話します。日本語と英語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です。色々な場所で勉強したり、ジムに運動したりするのが好きです。休みの日は、友達と出かけたりすることが多いです。散歩好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello, I am a part-time employee who came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak French and Tamil and I’m (self-)studying Japanese and English. I like sports and studying in different places (like coffee shops, etc). I also like to discover and try things I haven't done before, like hiking, snowboarding, and camping. Looking forward to meeting someone who shares the same interests as me.

Room for 1 8.28㎡Male¥70,000¥13,000


Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing



Utilities and Internet¥10,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥10,000

Will Open

Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities

Foreign nationality


Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは!日本語を勉強しているフランス人です。フランス語とタミル語を話します。日本語と英語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です。色々な場所で勉強したり、ジムに運動したりするのが好きです。休みの日は、友達と出かけたりすることが多いです。散歩好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello, I am a part-time employee who came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak French and Tamil and I’m (self-)studying Japanese and English. I like sports and studying in different places (like coffee shops, etc). I also like to discover and try things I haven't done before, like hiking, snowboarding, and camping. Looking forward to meeting someone who shares the same interests as me.



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥10,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

This is my first time living in Tokyo, so I’m excited to make new friends and enjoy every day to the fullest.Read more...

こんにちは!!教育系の会社でマネージャーとして勤めています。英語は勉強中です。日本語は関西出身なので、関西弁が強く出てしまう場面があるかもです。ヨガの資格をもっているので、身体を動かすのが大好きです。休みの日は外で遊ぶのが好きなので、気になるご飯屋さんに友達と行ったり、気になる映画を観に出かけます。東京は初めてなので、色んな人と友達になって毎日をハッピーに過ごしたいと思います。よろしくお願いします!! Hi! I work in education as a manager, and I'm currently studying English. Since I'm from the Kansai region, my dialect sometimes comes out. I have a yoga certification and love staying active. On my days off, I enjoy going out, trying new restaurants with friends, and watching movies that catch my interest. This is my first time living in Tokyo, so I’m excited to make new friends and enjoy every day to the fullest. Looking forward to meeting you all!



Utilities and Internet¥10,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

新しい場所を観光すること、日本ドラマを見ること、音楽を聴くことが好きです。 新しい人々と繋がるのを楽しみにしています!

私は日本の語学学校で勉強します。 英語、フランス語、スペイン語(少し忘れたけど)、日本語を話せます。新しい場所を観光すること、日本ドラマを見ること、音楽を聴くことが好きです。 新しい人々と繋がるのを楽しみにしています! hello, I will be studying at a language school in Japan. I speak English, French, Spanish, and Japanese. I enjoy visiting new places, watching dramas, and listening to music! I look forward to meeting new people!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥10,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥10,000

Will Open

Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities

Foreign nationality


Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは!日本語を勉強しているフランス人です。フランス語とタミル語を話します。日本語と英語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です。色々な場所で勉強したり、ジムに運動したりするのが好きです。休みの日は、友達と出かけたりすることが多いです。散歩好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello, I am a part-time employee who came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak French and Tamil and I’m (self-)studying Japanese and English. I like sports and studying in different places (like coffee shops, etc). I also like to discover and try things I haven't done before, like hiking, snowboarding, and camping. Looking forward to meeting someone who shares the same interests as me.



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hi! I’m a freelancer from Singapore and a native speaker of English and Mandarin. I also speak conversational Japanese which I want to improve on, and some Korean and baby French. My interests are anime, art, travelling, visiting museums and exhibitions, trying out new places with good food and coffee (: etc. Looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends! こんにちは!シンガポール出身のフリーランサーです。母語は英語と中国語で、日常会話レベルの日本語も話せます。あと、韓国語とフランス語も少し分かります。日本語を上達させたいしたいし、色んな言語と文化が溢れる環境も好きなので、入居を決めました。 アニメやアート、絵描き、旅行、カフェ巡り、美術館巡りなどが好きです。友達になりたくて、楽しい時間を過ごせることを楽しみにしてます (: よろしくお願いします!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

My hobbies are visiting museums and traveling. I also like to try restaurants and find new tastes.Read more...

I am a systems engineer and work from home almost every day. I can speak Japanese. I am still learning English, but I would like to talk with people from different backgrounds. My hobbies are visiting museums and traveling. I also like to try restaurants and find new tastes. I’m looking forward to meeting new people! IT企業に勤める社会人です。ほぼ毎日在宅勤務をしています。英語は勉強中ですが、色々な人と話してみたいです。趣味は美術館巡りと旅行です!新しいレストランを行ってみたり、いろんな国の料理に挑戦するのが好きです。新しい出会いを楽しみにしています!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities

Japanese nationality


Available from

Right Now

Current tenant info

Please click on the button for the room you wish to reserve.

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If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

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female 20's

If you want to meet and learn how to live with other people this is the right place. I had a lot of fun in my share house and get confident while speaking Japanese or English. My advice is when you move in: first remember that it’s not just your house but you are sharing with other so pay attention on other people’s feeling and if ever there is a problem to talk directly with your housemates or borderless house staff.


male 20's

I enjoyed staying in Tabata, especially eating at Nase!


female 20's

色んな人と出会えたことが一番の思い出です!優しい方ばかりで、リビングで話 したり、同じ部屋で今日の出来事などを気軽に話したりできて楽しかったです! 元々実家暮らしだったので、自分で生活できることが分かったことも自信になり ました!


male 20's



male 20's

Very Good!! みんなやさしいし、1年間たのしかった!


male 20's

Tokyo was just beautiful, it completely fullfilled my expectation and even more. Tabata1 share house is such a great house with lovely and cheerful tenants who can help you move through the city even if you don't know Japanese.


  • Inquire Searching for an available room

    Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

  • Room-viewing

    You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

  • Confirmation of room reservation

    You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

  • Contract・Move-in

    Making a contract either in our office or the House.


  • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
    You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
    Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
  • How much does it cost to move in?
    Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

    *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
    *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
    *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
    We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
    Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
    This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
    The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
    ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
    ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
  • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
  • Can I get along with my housemates?
    Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
    It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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