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BORDERLESS HOUSE KUGAHARA1-Share House in Shinagawa, Meguro, Ebisu

Available rooms
  • Male×Japanese nationality
  • Female×Japanese nationality
  • Male×Foreign nationality


Borderless House Kugahara is located in a quiet residential area with a few stations within walking distance, the closest being Kugahara Station only 2-minutes away by foot. With such a beautiful and bright surrounding neighborhood, you may even find yourself preferring to travel by foot or bike rather than by train!

Although the neighborhood provides a quiet haven away from the bustling town, you can also easily find yourself in the middle of active and exciting shopping centers around Kugahara Station. You can also enjoy a picnic, a walk, a run, or a bike ride near the Tama River which is located closeby to the house.

The property itself has a gorgeous open concept with neutral white and oak colors. The rooms are all incredibly spacious and windows are designed to let in plenty of natural light. The house even has its own traditional Japanese pine tree! The natural and spacious feel of this area is a fresh breath of air for Tokyo, which is famous for its compact architecture and towering buildings. Many people may find that coming home to such a relaxing and calming atmosphere will give them the perfect place to reset before another busy and exciting day in Tokyo. Why not make this charming house your new home in Japan? Your new housemates are waiting to welcome you with open arms!

  • Shinagawa・Meguro・Ebisu Area
  • Kugahara Station, Tokyu Ikegami Line 2mins walk
  • Community Members Countries tenants!
  • House Type
  • 10~14 people
  • Garden・Terrace
  • Gender Mix
  • 5mins walk from the station


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened

    ※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


    Area map

    sharehouse area map
    sharehouse access map

    The closest station

    • Kugahara Station, Tokyu Ikegami Line 2mins walk
    • Ontakesan Station, Tokyu Ikegami Line 7mins walk
    • Unoki Station Tokyu Tamagawa Line 12mins walk

    The time required from the major railway stations

    • Shinjuku:37mins
    • Shibuya:29mins
    • Shinagawa:22mins
    • Takadanobaba:40mins
    • Ikebukuro:45mins
    • Ueno:41mins
    • Roppongi:36mins
    • Yokohama:32mins


    In Common Space

    • Rice Cooker
    • Two wash-basin
    • Parking for bicycle
    • Two Shower room
    • Locker with key
    • TV
    • Washing machine
    • Kettle
    • Refrigerator
    • Two toilets
    • High-speed Wireless Internet
    • Microwave
    • Toaster

    In Each Room

    • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair
    • Air Conditioner
    • High-speed Wireless Internet
    • Bed / Bookshelf / Clothing Storage


    Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
    and Internet
    Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
    Room for 1 11.6㎡Male¥69,000¥13,000


    See more

    みなさん、こんにちは!私は中国出身で、アメリカで勉強と仕事をしていました。中国語と英語を話し、日本語のN1試験には合格しましたが、話し言葉をもっと上達させたいと思っています。 コンソールゲームが好きで、「It Takes Two」や「Cuphead」のような協力プレイゲーム、オンラインではFFXIVをプレイしています。アニメ、映画、読書、水泳、散歩、博物館巡り、新しい食べ物を試すことも楽しんでいます。ここで新しい友達を作るのが楽しみです! Hey everyone, I'm from China and have studied and worked in the US. I speak Chinese and English, and although I've passed the Japanese N1 exam, I'm still looking to improve my speaking skills. I'm into console games, including co-ops like "It Takes Two" and "Cuphead", and play FFXIV online. My interests also include anime, movies, reading, swimming, walks, museums, and trying new cuisines. Looking forward to making new friends here!

    Room for 2 16.5㎡Male¥52,000¥10,000


    Right NowForeign nationalityReservationRoom-viewing


    I like to go for walk and photography.
    See more

    こんにちは! 日本語と英語を話します。 散歩したり、写真を撮ることが好きです。 色々な人とお話できることを楽しみにしています! Hi I’m part-time worker. I speak Japanese and English. I like to go for walk and photography. I’m looking forward to talking with everyone!

    Room for 1 8.1㎡Any¥67,000¥13,000

    Will Open

    2025.01.22Japanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
    See more

    はじめまして! 来年1月末からケニアへボランティアへ行く予定で現在無職です。 日本語を話します。英語はコミュニケーションが測れる程度で現在勉強中です。趣味はランニングや旅行、食事、ドライブなど様々です。 短い期間ですが皆さんとたくさん交流して語学力とコミュニケーション能力の向上が目標です!宜しくお願いします! Hello! I am planning to go to Kenya to volunteer at the end of January next year. I speak Japanese and also speak English at the level of having a conversation but keep studying to improve it. My hobbies are running, traveling, eating, and driving. My goal is to improve my language and communication skills by interacting with everyone in a short period of time! I look forward to working with you!

    Room for 1 9.2㎡Male¥67,000¥13,000


    I am quite easy-going and I'm looking forward to meeting new people!
    See more

    Hi everyone, I am from France. I am an engineer and worked in France and Korea, but from now on I am going to study Japanese in Tokyo full-time. My proficiency in Japanese is basically non-existant as of now, as I am a complete beginner. I speak French and English, and also some very broken Spanish. I am quite easy-going and I'm looking forward to meeting new people! こんにちは、フランスから来ました。僕はエンジニアとして働いていて、フランス、韓国でも働いていましたが、今後は日本で働きます。私の日本語能力は基本的にゼロに等しく、まったくの初心者です。 フランス語、英語、そして少しスペイン語ができます! 気楽な性格で、新しく人に出会うことを楽しみにしています!

    Room for 1 8.2㎡Female¥67,000¥13,000


    See more

    Hi there! I'm currently on a working holiday visa. I studied translation and Japanese studies in university and had the opportunity to do an exchange program in Japan and work in the UK before coming here. I enjoy using couchsurfing to meet locals while solo travel. I speak both Cantonese and English, and I'm currently working on improving my Japanese language skills. I love fooooood! In my free time, I enjoy cooking, exploring new restaurants, and taking instagrammable pictures. I recently discovered the fun of board games. Can't wait to meet you at the borderless house! ワーホリで日本に来ました(。•ω•。)ノ 大学では翻訳と日本研究を勉強しました。日本に交換留学、またイギリスでの仕事の経験があります。一人旅の時にはCouch Surfingを使って地元の人と会うのが好きです。広東語も英語も話せますが、まだ日本語の勉強中です。ぜひ日本語で声をかけてください! 食べるのが大好きです!暇なときには、料理したり、新しいレストランを探したり、写真を撮ったりすることが多いです。最近はボードゲームにはまっています。皆さんにBorderless Houseで会えることを楽しみにしています!

    Room for 2 19.5㎡Female¥54,000¥10,000


    I love to go sightseeing, watch a movie, sing karaoke, and good food.
    See more

    Hi! I am in Japan for an internship in marketing and SNS. I speak Dutch, English, and a bit of German and I am learning Japanese I love to go sightseeing, watch a movie, sing karaoke, and good food. I am looking forward to meeting lots of new people! こんにちは!マーケティングとソーシャルメディアのインターンシップのために日本にいます。オランダ語、英語、ドイツ語が少し話せます。 観光、映画鑑賞、カラオケ、おいしい食べ物が大好きです。 たくさんの新しい出会いを楽しみにしています!



    Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
    Room for 1 10.6㎡Male¥69,000¥13,000


    海外で住みたい欲ある人と繋がりたいです。 It would be great if I could get connected to anyone who has the will to live abroad!
    See more

    こんにちは!IT系の会社に勤めている社会人です!英語は勉強中です! 休みの日は友達と遊ぶことが好きです! 海外で住みたい欲ある人と繋がりたいです。 Hello, I am working full-time at an IT company. I'm still learning English! I like playing with my friends on weekends. It would be great if I could get connected to anyone who has the will to live abroad!

    Room for 1 9.5㎡Any¥68,000¥13,000


    Now I'm working in the sports industry. I like beautiful scenery, nature, and eating!
    See more

    Hello! I am a Japanese from Mie Prefecture. Now I'm working in the sports industry. I like beautiful scenery, nature, and eating! I am interested in various cultures and daily lives abroad, and I want to learn about Japan and the world that I still don't know. I still have a long way to go in English, but I want to study from now on. I'm really looking forward to living with you! Thank you. こんにちは! 私は 三重県出身の日本人です。今はスポーツ業界で働いています。 綺麗な景色、自然、そして食べることが好きです! 海外の色々な文化や暮らしの日常に興味があり、まだまだ知らない日本、そして世界のことを知っていきたいです。 英語はまだまだですが、これから勉強していきたいと思っています。みなさんとの暮らしをとても楽しみにしています!よろしくお願いします。٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Room for 1 7.4㎡Any¥67,000¥13,000


    Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
    and Internet
    Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
    Room for 2 16.5㎡Male¥52,000¥10,000


    Right NowForeign nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
    Room for 1 8.1㎡Any¥67,000¥13,000

    Will Open

    2025.01.22Japanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing
    See more

    はじめまして! 来年1月末からケニアへボランティアへ行く予定で現在無職です。 日本語を話します。英語はコミュニケーションが測れる程度で現在勉強中です。趣味はランニングや旅行、食事、ドライブなど様々です。 短い期間ですが皆さんとたくさん交流して語学力とコミュニケーション能力の向上が目標です!宜しくお願いします! Hello! I am planning to go to Kenya to volunteer at the end of January next year. I speak Japanese and also speak English at the level of having a conversation but keep studying to improve it. My hobbies are running, traveling, eating, and driving. My goal is to improve my language and communication skills by interacting with everyone in a short period of time! I look forward to working with you!

    Room for 2 19.5㎡Female¥54,000¥10,000


    Right NowJapanese nationalityReservationRoom-viewing



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Foreign nationality


    Available from

    Right Now

    Current tenant info



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000

    Will Open

    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Japanese nationality


    Available from


    Current tenant info


    はじめまして! 来年1月末からケニアへボランティアへ行く予定で現在無職です。 日本語を話します。英語はコミュニケーションが測れる程度で現在勉強中です。趣味はランニングや旅行、食事、ドライブなど様々です。 短い期間ですが皆さんとたくさん交流して語学力とコミュニケーション能力の向上が目標です!宜しくお願いします! Hello! I am planning to go to Kenya to volunteer at the end of January next year. I speak Japanese and also speak English at the level of having a conversation but keep studying to improve it. My hobbies are running, traveling, eating, and driving. My goal is to improve my language and communication skills by interacting with everyone in a short period of time! I look forward to working with you!



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Japanese nationality


    Available from

    Right Now

    Current tenant info



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info


    みなさん、こんにちは!私は中国出身で、アメリカで勉強と仕事をしていました。中国語と英語を話し、日本語のN1試験には合格しましたが、話し言葉をもっと上達させたいと思っています。 コンソールゲームが好きで、「It Takes Two」や「Cuphead」のような協力プレイゲーム、オンラインではFFXIVをプレイしています。アニメ、映画、読書、水泳、散歩、博物館巡り、新しい食べ物を試すことも楽しんでいます。ここで新しい友達を作るのが楽しみです! Hey everyone, I'm from China and have studied and worked in the US. I speak Chinese and English, and although I've passed the Japanese N1 exam, I'm still looking to improve my speaking skills. I'm into console games, including co-ops like "It Takes Two" and "Cuphead", and play FFXIV online. My interests also include anime, movies, reading, swimming, walks, museums, and trying new cuisines. Looking forward to making new friends here!



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Foreign nationality


    Available from

    Right Now

    Current tenant info



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    I like to go for walk and photography.

    こんにちは! 日本語と英語を話します。 散歩したり、写真を撮ることが好きです。 色々な人とお話できることを楽しみにしています! Hi I’m part-time worker. I speak Japanese and English. I like to go for walk and photography. I’m looking forward to talking with everyone!



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000

    Will Open

    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Japanese nationality


    Available from


    Current tenant info


    はじめまして! 来年1月末からケニアへボランティアへ行く予定で現在無職です。 日本語を話します。英語はコミュニケーションが測れる程度で現在勉強中です。趣味はランニングや旅行、食事、ドライブなど様々です。 短い期間ですが皆さんとたくさん交流して語学力とコミュニケーション能力の向上が目標です!宜しくお願いします! Hello! I am planning to go to Kenya to volunteer at the end of January next year. I speak Japanese and also speak English at the level of having a conversation but keep studying to improve it. My hobbies are running, traveling, eating, and driving. My goal is to improve my language and communication skills by interacting with everyone in a short period of time! I look forward to working with you!



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    I am quite easy-going and I'm looking forward to meeting new people!Read more...

    Hi everyone, I am from France. I am an engineer and worked in France and Korea, but from now on I am going to study Japanese in Tokyo full-time. My proficiency in Japanese is basically non-existant as of now, as I am a complete beginner. I speak French and English, and also some very broken Spanish. I am quite easy-going and I'm looking forward to meeting new people! こんにちは、フランスから来ました。僕はエンジニアとして働いていて、フランス、韓国でも働いていましたが、今後は日本で働きます。私の日本語能力は基本的にゼロに等しく、まったくの初心者です。 フランス語、英語、そして少しスペイン語ができます! 気楽な性格で、新しく人に出会うことを楽しみにしています!



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info


    Hi there! I'm currently on a working holiday visa. I studied translation and Japanese studies in university and had the opportunity to do an exchange program in Japan and work in the UK before coming here. I enjoy using couchsurfing to meet locals while solo travel. I speak both Cantonese and English, and I'm currently working on improving my Japanese language skills. I love fooooood! In my free time, I enjoy cooking, exploring new restaurants, and taking instagrammable pictures. I recently discovered the fun of board games. Can't wait to meet you at the borderless house! ワーホリで日本に来ました(。•ω•。)ノ 大学では翻訳と日本研究を勉強しました。日本に交換留学、またイギリスでの仕事の経験があります。一人旅の時にはCouch Surfingを使って地元の人と会うのが好きです。広東語も英語も話せますが、まだ日本語の勉強中です。ぜひ日本語で声をかけてください! 食べるのが大好きです!暇なときには、料理したり、新しいレストランを探したり、写真を撮ったりすることが多いです。最近はボードゲームにはまっています。皆さんにBorderless Houseで会えることを楽しみにしています!



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    I love to go sightseeing, watch a movie, sing karaoke, and good food.Read more...

    Hi! I am in Japan for an internship in marketing and SNS. I speak Dutch, English, and a bit of German and I am learning Japanese I love to go sightseeing, watch a movie, sing karaoke, and good food. I am looking forward to meeting lots of new people! こんにちは!マーケティングとソーシャルメディアのインターンシップのために日本にいます。オランダ語、英語、ドイツ語が少し話せます。 観光、映画鑑賞、カラオケ、おいしい食べ物が大好きです。 たくさんの新しい出会いを楽しみにしています!



    Utilities and Internet¥10,000


    Room TypeRoom for 2 
    Applicable Nationalities

    Japanese nationality


    Available from

    Right Now

    Current tenant info



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    海外で住みたい欲ある人と繋がりたいです。 It would be great if I could get connected to anyone who has the will to live abroad!Read more...

    こんにちは!IT系の会社に勤めている社会人です!英語は勉強中です! 休みの日は友達と遊ぶことが好きです! 海外で住みたい欲ある人と繋がりたいです。 Hello, I am working full-time at an IT company. I'm still learning English! I like playing with my friends on weekends. It would be great if I could get connected to anyone who has the will to live abroad!



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    Now I'm working in the sports industry. I like beautiful scenery, nature, and eating!Read more...

    Hello! I am a Japanese from Mie Prefecture. Now I'm working in the sports industry. I like beautiful scenery, nature, and eating! I am interested in various cultures and daily lives abroad, and I want to learn about Japan and the world that I still don't know. I still have a long way to go in English, but I want to study from now on. I'm really looking forward to living with you! Thank you. こんにちは! 私は 三重県出身の日本人です。今はスポーツ業界で働いています。 綺麗な景色、自然、そして食べることが好きです! 海外の色々な文化や暮らしの日常に興味があり、まだまだ知らない日本、そして世界のことを知っていきたいです。 英語はまだまだですが、これから勉強していきたいと思っています。みなさんとの暮らしをとても楽しみにしています!よろしくお願いします。٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶



    Utilities and Internet¥13,000


    Room TypeRoom for 1 
    Applicable Nationalities



    Available from


    Current tenant info

    Please click on the button for the room you wish to reserve.

    Please sign up below for a room-viewing for this house!


    Please feel free to ask for advice!

    If your favorite room is not available right now, please fill out this form.You will be notified as soon as a new vacancy comes up.

    Our system is currently having an error to send emails to the address provided by hotmail・livemail・outlook.
    Please use the email address provided by other companies (Gmail, yahoo, ...etc.), or refer to the link to solve the problem.
    If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

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    male 20's



    female 20's

    I lived with Borderless for more than 4 years. In this specific house for more than 2. I loved Kugahara house. I loved my house mates. Thanks a lot for all the good memories. See you soon.


    female 20's

    I had a really nice experience at borderless house kugahara1. The house mates are really nice and the house was comfortable.


    female 20's

    みんなとたくさんお出かけして楽しい思い出ができました。 みんなに助けられて、濃いシェアハウス生活を送ることができました。


    male 20's

    My stay at Kugahara House was absolutely amazing! The roommates,the amenities, my room...everything was incredible. Thank you so much for everything :D


    female 20's

    久が原ハウスで半年住んでいました。すごく楽しかったです。色々な国の人に出会って一緒に遊びに行ったり、誕生日パーティーや友達を家に呼んでパーティーしたり、素晴らしかったです。 ここに住んで日本語もうまく話せるようになりました!


    • Inquire Searching for an available room

      Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

    • Room-viewing

      You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

    • Confirmation of room reservation

      You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

    • Contract・Move-in

      Making a contract either in our office or the House.


    • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
      You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
      Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
    • How much does it cost to move in?
      Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

      *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
      *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
      *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
      We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
      Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
      This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
      The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
      ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
      ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
    • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
      There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
      There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
      There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    • Can I get along with my housemates?
      Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
      It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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