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BORDERLESS HOUSE OMOTESANDO1-Share House in Shibuya, Harajuku, Shimokitazawa

There is no vacancy at this time.


✦Located in the city center of Tokyo! There are 7 stations near the house! The best location with good access to go anywhere✦

You can walk to 7 stations located in the center of Tokyo, including Omotesando, Harajuku, Sendagaya, etc., it is convenient to go anywhere like to school, work, shopping, without any transfer!
It is not easy to find a house with good access like this one!

Although it is located in the center of Tokyo, it is a very quiet residential area. You can even find Yoyogi park and Meiji-jingu, which are some of the most relaxing places in Tokyo.

【Enjoy work and play! The ideal urban life will come true!】
You can go to the fashion area of Shibuya and Harajuku by walking. There are a lot of beautiful cafes and cute stores as well. You can go to the gym or cafe and study after your job on weekdays. On the weekend, you can go shopping, find a good restaurant, go to museums, or walk around the park to relax. Enjoy your own urban life at Omotesando share house!

【Full inside renovation! Experience multicultural interaction in our share house with two houses connected for 18 people】
We have renewed two old Japanese-style houses and connected them together to make a modern house that suits the ambiance of Tokyo. From being able to see the living room from the passageway connecting buildings A and B, interaction will naturally emerge!

Enjoy films and music with your housemates with the projector set in the living room! It is the best house for people who want to enjoy an active exchange with multicultural people in a big share house♪

※ Non-smoking house Smokers are NOT allowed to move in.

  • Shibuya・Harajuku・Shimokitazawa Area
  • Meijijingumae Station, Tokyo-Metro Chiyoda Line 10 mins walk.
  • Community Members Countries 18 tenants!
  • House Type
  • 15~19 people
  • Non smoking house
  • Gender Mix


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened

※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


Area map

sharehouse area map
sharehouse access map

The closest station

  • Meijijingumae Station, Tokyo-Metro Chiyoda Line 10 mins walk.
  • Harajuku Station, JRYamanote Line 13 mins walk.
  • Omotesando Station, Tokyo-Metro Ginza/Hanzomon/Chiyoda Line 14 mins walk.

The time required from the major railway stations

  • Shinjuku:5mins
  • Shibuya:3mins
  • Shinagawa:15mins
  • Takadanobaba:10mins
  • Ikebukuro:14mins
  • Ueno:30mins
  • Roppongi:7mins
  • Yokohama:34mins


In Common Space

  • Microwave
  • TV
  • Four Toilet
  • Refrigerator
  • wi-fi
  • Four Shower room
  • Parking for bicycle
  • Toaster
  • DVD Player
  • Projector
  • Washing machine / Dryer
  • Kettle
  • Rice Cooker

In Each Room

  • Air Conditioner
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • Bed / Bookshelf / Clothing Storage
  • You could rent a bedding set from us or bring it by yourself. There is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen for a bedding set. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)
  • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair
  • Refrigerator for the room (HOUSE B only)


Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 1 8.7㎡Male¥85,000¥14,000


Room for 2 14㎡Male¥59,000¥11,000


I would like to connect with people who like muscle training!
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こんにちは! 4月よりフィットネス関係のお仕事をします。 日本語を話します。英語は挨拶程度しか話せません。これからたくさん学んでいきたいです。 趣味は筋トレ、読書です。 筋トレ好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello!!! I will be working in the fitness industry from April. I speak Japanese. I can only speak English as a greeting. I would like to learn a lot from now on. My hobbies are muscle training and reading. I would like to connect with people who like muscle training!



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初めまして! 今年日本の大学で留学生しています。故郷の大学で勉強した時僕の専攻は日本語でした。そのため、日本語で話せます。英語とノルウェー語の方が得意と思うのに、どちらでもいいです!僕の趣味について、外出したり観光したりすることが好きです。そして、誰でも一緒にそれを楽しめると嬉しいです! Hello! For the next year, I am doing an exchange year at a Japanese University in Tokyo! I am taking a bachelor's degree in Japanese back at my home university, so I can make do with some conversations in Japanese. I am way better at speaking Norwegian and English though, so whatever best suits you is fine by me! In my free time, I like to go out and explore! I would love it if any of my housemates would want to join me for some adventures!

Room for 1 8.7㎡Male¥85,000¥14,000


Room for 1 7.5㎡Male¥84,000¥14,000


I am excited to meet everyone and hope to be friends! 皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしていますし、友達になれることを願っています!
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Hello! I came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak English, and a little bit of Japanese. I like to go out for walks, watch movies, and games. I am excited to meet everyone and hope to be friends! こんにちは!私は日本語を勉強するために日本に来ました。英語と少しの日本語を話します。散歩に出かけたり、映画を見たり、ゲームをしたりするのが好きです。皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしていますし、友達になれることを願っています!

Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥84,000¥14,000


最初は上手く話せないかもしれませんが、ぜひ英語で話しかけてください!I may not be able to speak well at first, but please feel free to speak to me in English!
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私は、IT系の企業に勤める社会人です。英語が話せるようになりたいと思い入居を決めました。趣味は音楽鑑賞やYoutube鑑賞です。 他にもお酒を飲んだり、美味しいごはんを食べたりするのも好きです。 最初は上手く話せないかもしれませんが、ぜひ英語で話しかけてください! I work for an IT company. I decided to move to this house because I want to learn to speak English. My hobbies are listening to music and watching Youtube. I also like drinking and eating good food. I may not be able to speak well at first, but please feel free to speak to me in English!

Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥84,000¥14,000


休みの日は、映画を観たり、アニメを観て過ごすことが多いです。 共通の趣味を持つ人と繋がりたいです!
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こんにちは!20歳の大学生です。 日本語を話します。英語は勉強中です。 日本の女性アイドルグループが好きです。 休みの日は、映画を観たり、アニメを観て過ごすことが多いです。 共通の趣味を持つ人と繋がりたいです! Hello! I am a 20 years old college student. I speak Japanese. I am studying English. I like Japanese idol groups. On my days off, I spend most of my time watching movies and anime. I would like to connect with people who share the same interests!

Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥84,000¥14,000


I am looking forward to meeting new people, and making lots of great memories in Japan! 新しい友達を作るといいんで、いい思い出を作りたいです!どうぞよろしくお願いします!
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Hello! I am currently doing an Internship in Japan, but I am also a student! I study languages, and so I speak English fluently, speak German and Irish at an intermediate level, and speak Japanese somewhere between a beginner and intermediate level :D In my free time, I like to watch anime (nowadays mostly One Piece!), play video games and board games, and listen to music (I love K-Pop!). I am really interested in history also! I am looking forward to meeting new people, and making lots of great memories in Japan! こんにちは〜 今、インターンシップをして、大学生もです!語学を勉強しているから、英語とドイツ語とアイルランド語を話せて、日本語を話せますけど、まだまだです!アニメが好きで(最近はワンピースを見ることが好きです!)、ゲームが好きで、音楽を聞くこともすきです(K-POPが大好きです〜)。歴史も好きです!新しい友達を作るといいんで、いい思い出を作りたいです!どうぞよろしくお願いします!

Room for 2 14㎡Female¥59,000¥11,000




ゲームとesportsと旅行とアニメと写真が好きです! 日本語をもっと練習したいです。
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Hello! I'm a recent university graduate who is looking for work in Japan. I love games, esports, traveling, anime and photography. Looking forward to meeting new friends and practicing my Japanese. こんにちは!去年日本の大学を卒業して、今は就職活動をしています。 ゲームとesportsと旅行とアニメと写真が好きです! 日本語をもっと練習したいです。 よろしくお願いします!

Room for 1 6.8㎡Female¥82,000¥14,000


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Hello, I'm a recent college graduate who came to study in Japanese language school. My first language is English, N3 level Japanese, and I know a little Tagalog. I like to art, fashion, video games and camping. I want to meet new people and travel a lot. 初めまして、最近卒業した大学生で日本へ日本語学校に勉強しに来たんです。私の母国語は英語で日本語レベルがJLPT N3で少しタガログ語できます。アートとファッションとビデオゲームやキャンピングが好きです。色々な有名な所に旅行したくて、新しい人を会いたいです。よろしくお願いいたします。

Room for 1 6.8㎡Male¥82,000¥14,000


Room for 1 7.5㎡Male¥82,000¥14,000


I am playing Rugby League here in Tokyo and in my free time I enjoy teaching combat sports to my clients.
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Hi, I am a GNSS/Fitness Technician for a global company based in California working in the Asia/Pacific branch. I am a native English speaker and speak conversational Japanese. I am playing Rugby League here in Tokyo and in my free time I enjoy teaching combat sports to my clients. こんにちは。私は英語がネイティブで、日常会話程度の日本語を話します。私は東京でラグビーリーグでプレーしており、自由時間にはクライアントに格闘技を教えることを楽しんでいます。

Room for 1 7.5㎡Female¥82,000¥14,000


I love traveling, food, and going to concerts.
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Hello! I work in the IT scene remotely. I can speak English a little, so I want to improve it. I love traveling, food, and going to concerts. I usually take walks and relax at cafes on my days off.I’m looking forward to meeting you all:) 私はIT系の企業に勤めている社会人で、ほぼリモートワークをしています。 英語は簡単な会話ができる程度なので、これから上達させたいです。 旅行、美味しいものを食べること、コンサートに行くことが好きで、 休みの日は散歩してカフェでのんびり過ごしたりしてます。よろしくお願いします!

Room for 1 6.8㎡Female¥82,000¥14,000


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Hello! I am a student studying at a Japanese language school and I hope to study translation at university after graduation! This is my second time living in Japan and I loved it so much last time that this time I want to stay forever! I speak English, Japanese & a little bit of Korean. I love to dance, mostly in hip hop, kpop & choreography styles - so I'm at the studio every day! I also love listening to music, especially kpop, and watching studio ghibli movies! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and I hope we can all have fun together! :)) こんにちは!日本語学校で勉強している学生で、卒業した後は大学で翻訳・通訳を勉強したいです!今回日本に滞在するのは二回目で、前回来た際にこれからもずっと日本に住みたいと思いました。英語と日本語どちらも話しますが、日本語はまだ勉強中です。また、少しだけ韓国語を話せます。暇な時はダンスを踊ることが大好きです。特にヒップホップやkpopやコレオのスタイルが好きです。なので、毎日スタジオで踊っています!他に、音楽を聞くことやスタジオジブリの映画を見ることが好きです。皆さんに会うことがとても楽しみで、生活を一緒に楽しみたいと思います!よろしくお願いします!

Room for 1 6.8㎡Female¥82,000¥14,000


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こんにちは!静岡県からきました! 元々自衛官・営業職をしておりました😊 趣味はセルフネイルと1人飲み🍺 一緒に運動してくれる方がいたら健康のため是非繋がりたいです!【ランニング、筋トレ等】

Room for 1 7.5㎡Male¥82,000¥14,000


Room for 1 7.5㎡Male¥82,000¥14,000


休みの日はスケボーをしたり、友だちと遊んでいます。/On my days off I skateboard and hang out with friends.
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こんにちは!IT系の会社でアルバイトをしている高校生です。 日本語を話します。英語はまだ苦手です! 休みの日はスケボーをしたり、友だちと遊んでいます。 スケーターと繋がりたいです! Hi! I am a high school student working part-time at an IT company. I speak Japanese. My English isn't very good yet! On my days off I skateboard and hang out with friends. Would love to connect with some skaters!

There is no vacancy at this time.

There is no vacancy at this time.



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I would like to connect with people who like muscle training!Read more...

こんにちは! 4月よりフィットネス関係のお仕事をします。 日本語を話します。英語は挨拶程度しか話せません。これからたくさん学んでいきたいです。 趣味は筋トレ、読書です。 筋トレ好きな人と繋がりたいです! Hello!!! I will be working in the fitness industry from April. I speak Japanese. I can only speak English as a greeting. I would like to learn a lot from now on. My hobbies are muscle training and reading. I would like to connect with people who like muscle training!



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


初めまして! 今年日本の大学で留学生しています。故郷の大学で勉強した時僕の専攻は日本語でした。そのため、日本語で話せます。英語とノルウェー語の方が得意と思うのに、どちらでもいいです!僕の趣味について、外出したり観光したりすることが好きです。そして、誰でも一緒にそれを楽しめると嬉しいです! Hello! For the next year, I am doing an exchange year at a Japanese University in Tokyo! I am taking a bachelor's degree in Japanese back at my home university, so I can make do with some conversations in Japanese. I am way better at speaking Norwegian and English though, so whatever best suits you is fine by me! In my free time, I like to go out and explore! I would love it if any of my housemates would want to join me for some adventures!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I am excited to meet everyone and hope to be friends! 皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしていますし、友達になれることを願っています!Read more...

Hello! I came to Japan to study Japanese. I speak English, and a little bit of Japanese. I like to go out for walks, watch movies, and games. I am excited to meet everyone and hope to be friends! こんにちは!私は日本語を勉強するために日本に来ました。英語と少しの日本語を話します。散歩に出かけたり、映画を見たり、ゲームをしたりするのが好きです。皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしていますし、友達になれることを願っています!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

最初は上手く話せないかもしれませんが、ぜひ英語で話しかけてください!I may not be able to speak well at first, but please feel free to speak to me in English!Read more...

私は、IT系の企業に勤める社会人です。英語が話せるようになりたいと思い入居を決めました。趣味は音楽鑑賞やYoutube鑑賞です。 他にもお酒を飲んだり、美味しいごはんを食べたりするのも好きです。 最初は上手く話せないかもしれませんが、ぜひ英語で話しかけてください! I work for an IT company. I decided to move to this house because I want to learn to speak English. My hobbies are listening to music and watching Youtube. I also like drinking and eating good food. I may not be able to speak well at first, but please feel free to speak to me in English!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

休みの日は、映画を観たり、アニメを観て過ごすことが多いです。 共通の趣味を持つ人と繋がりたいです!

こんにちは!20歳の大学生です。 日本語を話します。英語は勉強中です。 日本の女性アイドルグループが好きです。 休みの日は、映画を観たり、アニメを観て過ごすことが多いです。 共通の趣味を持つ人と繋がりたいです! Hello! I am a 20 years old college student. I speak Japanese. I am studying English. I like Japanese idol groups. On my days off, I spend most of my time watching movies and anime. I would like to connect with people who share the same interests!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I am looking forward to meeting new people, and making lots of great memories in Japan! 新しい友達を作るといいんで、いい思い出を作りたいです!どうぞよろしくお願いします!Read more...

Hello! I am currently doing an Internship in Japan, but I am also a student! I study languages, and so I speak English fluently, speak German and Irish at an intermediate level, and speak Japanese somewhere between a beginner and intermediate level :D In my free time, I like to watch anime (nowadays mostly One Piece!), play video games and board games, and listen to music (I love K-Pop!). I am really interested in history also! I am looking forward to meeting new people, and making lots of great memories in Japan! こんにちは〜 今、インターンシップをして、大学生もです!語学を勉強しているから、英語とドイツ語とアイルランド語を話せて、日本語を話せますけど、まだまだです!アニメが好きで(最近はワンピースを見ることが好きです!)、ゲームが好きで、音楽を聞くこともすきです(K-POPが大好きです〜)。歴史も好きです!新しい友達を作るといいんで、いい思い出を作りたいです!どうぞよろしくお願いします!



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥11,000


Room TypeRoom for 2 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

ゲームとesportsと旅行とアニメと写真が好きです! 日本語をもっと練習したいです。

Hello! I'm a recent university graduate who is looking for work in Japan. I love games, esports, traveling, anime and photography. Looking forward to meeting new friends and practicing my Japanese. こんにちは!去年日本の大学を卒業して、今は就職活動をしています。 ゲームとesportsと旅行とアニメと写真が好きです! 日本語をもっと練習したいです。 よろしくお願いします!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hello, I'm a recent college graduate who came to study in Japanese language school. My first language is English, N3 level Japanese, and I know a little Tagalog. I like to art, fashion, video games and camping. I want to meet new people and travel a lot. 初めまして、最近卒業した大学生で日本へ日本語学校に勉強しに来たんです。私の母国語は英語で日本語レベルがJLPT N3で少しタガログ語できます。アートとファッションとビデオゲームやキャンピングが好きです。色々な有名な所に旅行したくて、新しい人を会いたいです。よろしくお願いいたします。



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I am playing Rugby League here in Tokyo and in my free time I enjoy teaching combat sports to my clients.Read more...

Hi, I am a GNSS/Fitness Technician for a global company based in California working in the Asia/Pacific branch. I am a native English speaker and speak conversational Japanese. I am playing Rugby League here in Tokyo and in my free time I enjoy teaching combat sports to my clients. こんにちは。私は英語がネイティブで、日常会話程度の日本語を話します。私は東京でラグビーリーグでプレーしており、自由時間にはクライアントに格闘技を教えることを楽しんでいます。



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I love traveling, food, and going to concerts.

Hello! I work in the IT scene remotely. I can speak English a little, so I want to improve it. I love traveling, food, and going to concerts. I usually take walks and relax at cafes on my days off.I’m looking forward to meeting you all:) 私はIT系の企業に勤めている社会人で、ほぼリモートワークをしています。 英語は簡単な会話ができる程度なので、これから上達させたいです。 旅行、美味しいものを食べること、コンサートに行くことが好きで、 休みの日は散歩してカフェでのんびり過ごしたりしてます。よろしくお願いします!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hello! I am a student studying at a Japanese language school and I hope to study translation at university after graduation! This is my second time living in Japan and I loved it so much last time that this time I want to stay forever! I speak English, Japanese & a little bit of Korean. I love to dance, mostly in hip hop, kpop & choreography styles - so I'm at the studio every day! I also love listening to music, especially kpop, and watching studio ghibli movies! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and I hope we can all have fun together! :)) こんにちは!日本語学校で勉強している学生で、卒業した後は大学で翻訳・通訳を勉強したいです!今回日本に滞在するのは二回目で、前回来た際にこれからもずっと日本に住みたいと思いました。英語と日本語どちらも話しますが、日本語はまだ勉強中です。また、少しだけ韓国語を話せます。暇な時はダンスを踊ることが大好きです。特にヒップホップやkpopやコレオのスタイルが好きです。なので、毎日スタジオで踊っています!他に、音楽を聞くことやスタジオジブリの映画を見ることが好きです。皆さんに会うことがとても楽しみで、生活を一緒に楽しみたいと思います!よろしくお願いします!



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは!静岡県からきました! 元々自衛官・営業職をしておりました😊 趣味はセルフネイルと1人飲み🍺 一緒に運動してくれる方がいたら健康のため是非繋がりたいです!【ランニング、筋トレ等】



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥14,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

休みの日はスケボーをしたり、友だちと遊んでいます。/On my days off I skateboard and hang out with friends.Read more...

こんにちは!IT系の会社でアルバイトをしている高校生です。 日本語を話します。英語はまだ苦手です! 休みの日はスケボーをしたり、友だちと遊んでいます。 スケーターと繋がりたいです! Hi! I am a high school student working part-time at an IT company. I speak Japanese. My English isn't very good yet! On my days off I skateboard and hang out with friends. Would love to connect with some skaters!

The room is currently full. Please sign up on the WAITING LIST if you wish to attend.

Since there are no vacancies at the moment, room-viewing is not possible.


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male 20's

ハウスによって合う合わないはありますが、友達とは少し違う家族のような人に出会うことができると思います。 長くシェアハウスにいると、楽しいことばかりではなく嫌なことも経験します。時には喧嘩したり。 その中で真剣に相手と向き合うことで、いろいろな部分で人間的に成長できると思います。 自分はかなり成長できました。 是非迷ってる方は一度長期滞在してみると良いと思います。


female 20's

自分の価値観や視野が広がるいい経験になりました。自分がこれまで当たり前と思ってきた文化や考え方が当たり前でないと気づくことができ、成長の機会になったと感じることもありました。 また色んな国の友人ができ、入居当時あまり話せなかった英語も毎日トライすることで期待以上に話せるようになり、凄く嬉しいです! 失敗を恐れずトライし続ければ、留学並みに語学力UP出来ると思います!


male 20's



male 20's

I enjoyed staying at BORDERLESS HOUSE. Meeting people from different countries and sharing all your experiences with them makes you want to come back home faster at the end of the day.


female 20's



male 30's



  • Inquire Searching for an available room

    Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

  • Room-viewing

    You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

  • Confirmation of room reservation

    You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

  • Contract・Move-in

    Making a contract either in our office or the House.


  • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
    You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
    Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
  • How much does it cost to move in?
    Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

    *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
    *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
    *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
    We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
    Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
    This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
    The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
    ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
    ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
  • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
  • Can I get along with my housemates?
    Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
    It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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