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BORDERLESS HOUSE SHINJUKU-NAKAI1-Share House in Shinjuku, Nakano, Kichijoji

There is no vacancy at this time.


Here Nakai share house is located in a great area with a nice shopping district,close to Shinjuku. There are small markets near the station and some grocery stores. You can buy some food and daily stuff there. Also a few minutes walk from the nearest station, Toei-Oedo line Nakai station, to the share house. It takes only 10 minutes to Shinjuku station. There are quite lots of poeple living together and having fun, but at the same time you have your own privacy in the share house.

  • Shinjuku・Nakano・Kichijoji Area
  • Nakai Station, Seibu Shinjuku Line/ Toei Oedo 3mins walk.
  • Community Members Countries 14 tenants!
  • House Type
  • 10~14 people
  • Gender Mix
  • 5mins walk from the station


※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened

※These pictures were taken when the house newly opened


Area map

sharehouse area map
sharehouse access map

The closest station

  • Nakai Station, Seibu Shinjuku Line/ Toei Oedo 3mins walk.
  • Shimo-Ochiai Station, Seibu Shinjuku Line 7mins walk.

The time required from the major railway stations

  • Shinjuku:10mins
  • Shibuya:20mins
  • Shinagawa:33mins
  • Takadanobaba:4mins
  • Ikebukuro:14mins
  • Ueno:28mins
  • Roppongi:19mins
  • Yokohama:50mins


In Common Space

  • Two toilets
  • TV
  • Rice Cooker
  • Two wash-basin
  • Microwave
  • Washing machine / Dryer
  • Two Shower room

In Each Room

  • Air Conditioner
  • bookshelf
  • Bed
  • High-speed Wireless Internet
  • You could rent a bedding set from us or bring it by yourself. There is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen for a bedding set. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)
  • Desk / Desk lamp / Chair


Bed No.Type(people)SizeGenderRentMonthly
and Internet
Current tenant infoStatusAvailable fromApplicable NationalitiesApply
Room for 1 6.6㎡Any¥68,000¥13,000


In my free time, I enjoy exploring new cafes, watching or playing soccer, and watching movies.
See more

Hello! I work in the IT industry. I speak Japanese and am currently learning English. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new cafes, watching or playing soccer, and watching movies. I’d love to connect with people who are open-minded, curious, and enjoy exchanging different cultural perspectives! こんにちは!IT業界で働いています。 日本語を話しますが、英語は現在勉強中です。 休日は新しいカフェを巡ったり、サッカーを観たりしたり、映画を観ることが好きです。 異文化交流が好きで、好奇心旺盛な方とお話しできるのを楽しみにしています!

Room for 1 6.6㎡Any¥68,000¥13,000


Room for 1 6.6㎡Female¥68,000¥13,000


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Hello ! I’m a second year student at university studying languages. I came to Japan for work as part of my studies. I speak English, and a bit of Irish, French, Spanish, and Japanese, and I’d like to improve them. In my spare time I like listening to music and watching anime, and I love reading manga. I hope to meet other people who also love learning languages and sharing cultures ! こんにちは!大学の2年生で、言語を勉強しています。英語を話します。アイルランド語とフランス語とスペイン語と日本語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です!しゅみは音楽とアニメです。マンガを読むのも好きです!言語好きな人と繋がりたいです!

Room for 1 7.4㎡Any¥70,000¥13,000


Please don't be shy and let's hang out!!
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I came from Argentina to Japan with a working holiday visa, so in this period of one year I am looking for new experiences, creating new memories and friends. About myself, I love hanging out, chatting, learning about new things, having a drinks and sharing our good and bad experiences. I usually practice mysore yoga and go to the gym. I am able to speak 3 languages (Spanish, English and Japanese), if you speak another language, please teach me a little bit. Please don't be shy and let's hang out!!

Room for 1 7.4㎡Any¥70,000¥13,000


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Hello, I am half Swiss and half Japanese and I came to Japan for Japanese language school. I speak French, English, and a little bit of Japanese. In my free time, I love travelling, shopping, going on walks and watching movies. I am looking forward to meeting you all ! はじめまして。私はスイス人の父と日本人の母を持つハーフです。日本語の語学学校に通うために来日しました。仏語、英語、そして日本語も少し話せます。趣味は旅行、ショッピング、街散策、映画鑑賞などです。皆様にお会い出来るのを楽しみにしております。

Room for 1 6.6㎡Female¥68,000¥13,000


Room for 1 6.6㎡Female¥68,000¥13,000


I'm a French student coming to Japan to study Japanese for my future studies.
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Hello! I'm a French student coming to Japan to study Japanese for my future studies. I speak French, and English and I can understand Spanish. In my free time, I enjoy dancing, reading, drawing, and shopping.I'd like to meet people who have the same interests as me. こんにちは!将来の勉強のために日本語を学びに来日したフランス人学生です。フランス語と英語を話し、スペイン語も理解できます。時間のある時には、ダンスや読書、絵を描くこと、ショッピングを楽しんでいます。同じ興味を持つ人々に会いたいと思っています。

Room for 1 6.6㎡Male¥68,000¥13,000


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Hi everyone, I just graduated from university last year and right now I usually work as a trading company employee, and actually I am in charge of Central and South America business, so I'm interested in learning other languages and especially Spanish. Basically, I speak Japanese but also I speak English and a little Spanish. I often run around a big park in my spare time. I'll try to run first full marathon in this year, that's why. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys!!! Hope to see you. Thank you. こんにちは!去年大学を卒業して今は商社に勤めています。中南米を担当しているので、多言語、特にスペイン語に興味があります。日本語と英語と、少しスペイン語も話します。時間があるときは、よく大きめの公園で走っています。今年は初のフルマラソンに挑戦します。皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています!!!

Room for 1 8.1㎡Female¥71,000¥13,000


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こんにちは!私は都内の大学生で、英語を専攻しています。高校生の時に1年間カナダに留学していました。映画や旅行、お酒、美味しい店開拓などが大好きです!たくさんお話したいです。よろしくお願いします^ ^ Hello! I am a university student in Tokyo, majoring in English. I studied abroad in Canada for a year when I was in high school. I love movies, traveling, drinking, and exploring good restaurants! I would like to talk a lot with you all! Nice to meet you :)

Room for 1 6㎡Male¥67,000¥13,000


I love to play video game, go to gym and few drinks.
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こんにちは、新たに就職する為上京しました。その前はカナダに3年住んでました。日本語と英語を話します。趣味はゲーム、ジム、お酒を少々。たくさんの方に会えることを楽しみにしてます。よろしくお願いします。 Hi, I moved here for work. I used to be in Canada for 3 years. I speak Japanese and English. I love to play video game, go to gym and few drinks. Looking forward to seeing someone who is enjoying your life. Thx:)

Room for 1 7.4㎡Male¥70,000¥13,000


日本語以外を話せる友達が欲しいです! I want a friend who can speak languages ​​other than Japanese!
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こんにちは!フリーランスの社会人です!日本語話します!英語勉強しにボーダレスに来ました!趣味は、絵を描くこと、歌を歌うこと、自重トレーニングです!日本語以外を話せる友達が欲しいです!笑 Hi there! I am a freelance social worker! I speak Japanese! I came to Borderless to study English. My hobbies are drawing, singing, and bodyweight training! I want a friend who can speak languages ​​other than Japanese!

Room for 1 6.6㎡Any¥68,000¥13,000


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Hi everyone, I'm a 22-year-old French aerospace engineering student who has decided to take a gap year before graduating. I’ll be attending a language school to learn Japanese as much as possible for six months, with the goal of finding an internship for the following six months. I speak French (my native language), English (advanced level), Spanish (intermediate level), and I’m just beginning to learn Japanese. I love traveling, outdoor activities, and meeting new people, and I’m eager to explore Japan as much as I can during this year. I’m also a huge fan of football and sports in general. I’m really excited to start this new adventure and to meet all of you! こんにちは、みなさん。私は22歳のフランス人で、航空宇宙工学を学んでいる学生です。卒業する前に1年間のギャップイヤーを取ることにしました。最初の6か月間は日本語をできるだけ学ぶために語学学校に通い、その後の6か月間はインターンシップを見つけたいと考えています。フランス語(母国語)、英語(上級)、スペイン語(中級)を話すことができ、今は日本語の勉強を始めたばかりです。 旅行やアウトドア活動、新しい人々と出会うことが大好きで、この1年間で日本をできるだけ多く探索したいと思っています。また、サッカーやスポーツ全般が大好きです。この新しい冒険を始めること、そしてみなさんにお会いできることをとても楽しみにしています!

Room for 1 9.7㎡Any¥72,000¥13,000


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こんにちは!アメリカのカリフォルニア出身です。現在、大学で政治学と日本語の2つの分野を専攻してます。世界中の人々と出会うことが好きなので、ボーダーレスハウスに住みたかった。まだ全然上手く日本語は話せないけど、みんなと話したいからできるだけ頑張ります! Hi! I’m from California, USA. I’m currently double majoring in political science and Japanese in university. I like meeting people from all over the world, which is why I wanted to live in Borderless House. I can’t speak Japanese super well yet, but I’ll try my best to talk to everyone!

Room for 1 7.4㎡Any¥68,000¥13,000


I like playing and making games, board games, spicy foods, and talking to people.
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Hello! I work full-time as a game developer and part-time at a board game cafe. I speak English, Spanish, and a bit of Japanese. I like playing and making games, board games, spicy foods, and talking to people. Feel free to talk to me whenever! こんにちは!ゲーム開発者としてフルタイムで働きながら、ボードゲームカフェでアルバイトをしています。英語、スペイン語、日本語が少し話せます。ゲームを開発することとプレイすること、ボードゲーム、辛い食べ物、そして人と話すことが好きです。 いつでも気軽に話しかけてください!

There is no vacancy at this time.

There is no vacancy at this time.



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

In my free time, I enjoy exploring new cafes, watching or playing soccer, and watching movies.Read more...

Hello! I work in the IT industry. I speak Japanese and am currently learning English. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new cafes, watching or playing soccer, and watching movies. I’d love to connect with people who are open-minded, curious, and enjoy exchanging different cultural perspectives! こんにちは!IT業界で働いています。 日本語を話しますが、英語は現在勉強中です。 休日は新しいカフェを巡ったり、サッカーを観たりしたり、映画を観ることが好きです。 異文化交流が好きで、好奇心旺盛な方とお話しできるのを楽しみにしています!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hello ! I’m a second year student at university studying languages. I came to Japan for work as part of my studies. I speak English, and a bit of Irish, French, Spanish, and Japanese, and I’d like to improve them. In my spare time I like listening to music and watching anime, and I love reading manga. I hope to meet other people who also love learning languages and sharing cultures ! こんにちは!大学の2年生で、言語を勉強しています。英語を話します。アイルランド語とフランス語とスペイン語と日本語も少し話しますが、まだ勉強中です!しゅみは音楽とアニメです。マンガを読むのも好きです!言語好きな人と繋がりたいです!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

Please don't be shy and let's hang out!!

I came from Argentina to Japan with a working holiday visa, so in this period of one year I am looking for new experiences, creating new memories and friends. About myself, I love hanging out, chatting, learning about new things, having a drinks and sharing our good and bad experiences. I usually practice mysore yoga and go to the gym. I am able to speak 3 languages (Spanish, English and Japanese), if you speak another language, please teach me a little bit. Please don't be shy and let's hang out!!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hello, I am half Swiss and half Japanese and I came to Japan for Japanese language school. I speak French, English, and a little bit of Japanese. In my free time, I love travelling, shopping, going on walks and watching movies. I am looking forward to meeting you all ! はじめまして。私はスイス人の父と日本人の母を持つハーフです。日本語の語学学校に通うために来日しました。仏語、英語、そして日本語も少し話せます。趣味は旅行、ショッピング、街散策、映画鑑賞などです。皆様にお会い出来るのを楽しみにしております。



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I'm a French student coming to Japan to study Japanese for my future studies.Read more...

Hello! I'm a French student coming to Japan to study Japanese for my future studies. I speak French, and English and I can understand Spanish. In my free time, I enjoy dancing, reading, drawing, and shopping.I'd like to meet people who have the same interests as me. こんにちは!将来の勉強のために日本語を学びに来日したフランス人学生です。フランス語と英語を話し、スペイン語も理解できます。時間のある時には、ダンスや読書、絵を描くこと、ショッピングを楽しんでいます。同じ興味を持つ人々に会いたいと思っています。



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hi everyone, I just graduated from university last year and right now I usually work as a trading company employee, and actually I am in charge of Central and South America business, so I'm interested in learning other languages and especially Spanish. Basically, I speak Japanese but also I speak English and a little Spanish. I often run around a big park in my spare time. I'll try to run first full marathon in this year, that's why. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys!!! Hope to see you. Thank you. こんにちは!去年大学を卒業して今は商社に勤めています。中南米を担当しているので、多言語、特にスペイン語に興味があります。日本語と英語と、少しスペイン語も話します。時間があるときは、よく大きめの公園で走っています。今年は初のフルマラソンに挑戦します。皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています!!!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは!私は都内の大学生で、英語を専攻しています。高校生の時に1年間カナダに留学していました。映画や旅行、お酒、美味しい店開拓などが大好きです!たくさんお話したいです。よろしくお願いします^ ^ Hello! I am a university student in Tokyo, majoring in English. I studied abroad in Canada for a year when I was in high school. I love movies, traveling, drinking, and exploring good restaurants! I would like to talk a lot with you all! Nice to meet you :)



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I love to play video game, go to gym and few drinks.Read more...

こんにちは、新たに就職する為上京しました。その前はカナダに3年住んでました。日本語と英語を話します。趣味はゲーム、ジム、お酒を少々。たくさんの方に会えることを楽しみにしてます。よろしくお願いします。 Hi, I moved here for work. I used to be in Canada for 3 years. I speak Japanese and English. I love to play video game, go to gym and few drinks. Looking forward to seeing someone who is enjoying your life. Thx:)



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

日本語以外を話せる友達が欲しいです! I want a friend who can speak languages ​​other than Japanese!Read more...

こんにちは!フリーランスの社会人です!日本語話します!英語勉強しにボーダレスに来ました!趣味は、絵を描くこと、歌を歌うこと、自重トレーニングです!日本語以外を話せる友達が欲しいです!笑 Hi there! I am a freelance social worker! I speak Japanese! I came to Borderless to study English. My hobbies are drawing, singing, and bodyweight training! I want a friend who can speak languages ​​other than Japanese!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


Hi everyone, I'm a 22-year-old French aerospace engineering student who has decided to take a gap year before graduating. I’ll be attending a language school to learn Japanese as much as possible for six months, with the goal of finding an internship for the following six months. I speak French (my native language), English (advanced level), Spanish (intermediate level), and I’m just beginning to learn Japanese. I love traveling, outdoor activities, and meeting new people, and I’m eager to explore Japan as much as I can during this year. I’m also a huge fan of football and sports in general. I’m really excited to start this new adventure and to meet all of you! こんにちは、みなさん。私は22歳のフランス人で、航空宇宙工学を学んでいる学生です。卒業する前に1年間のギャップイヤーを取ることにしました。最初の6か月間は日本語をできるだけ学ぶために語学学校に通い、その後の6か月間はインターンシップを見つけたいと考えています。フランス語(母国語)、英語(上級)、スペイン語(中級)を話すことができ、今は日本語の勉強を始めたばかりです。 旅行やアウトドア活動、新しい人々と出会うことが大好きで、この1年間で日本をできるだけ多く探索したいと思っています。また、サッカーやスポーツ全般が大好きです。この新しい冒険を始めること、そしてみなさんにお会いできることをとても楽しみにしています!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info


こんにちは!アメリカのカリフォルニア出身です。現在、大学で政治学と日本語の2つの分野を専攻してます。世界中の人々と出会うことが好きなので、ボーダーレスハウスに住みたかった。まだ全然上手く日本語は話せないけど、みんなと話したいからできるだけ頑張ります! Hi! I’m from California, USA. I’m currently double majoring in political science and Japanese in university. I like meeting people from all over the world, which is why I wanted to live in Borderless House. I can’t speak Japanese super well yet, but I’ll try my best to talk to everyone!



Utilities and Internet¥13,000


Room TypeRoom for 1 
Applicable Nationalities



Available from


Current tenant info

I like playing and making games, board games, spicy foods, and talking to people.Read more...

Hello! I work full-time as a game developer and part-time at a board game cafe. I speak English, Spanish, and a bit of Japanese. I like playing and making games, board games, spicy foods, and talking to people. Feel free to talk to me whenever! こんにちは!ゲーム開発者としてフルタイムで働きながら、ボードゲームカフェでアルバイトをしています。英語、スペイン語、日本語が少し話せます。ゲームを開発することとプレイすること、ボードゲーム、辛い食べ物、そして人と話すことが好きです。 いつでも気軽に話しかけてください!

The room is currently full. Please sign up on the WAITING LIST if you wish to attend.

Since there are no vacancies at the moment, room-viewing is not possible.


Please feel free to ask for advice!

If your favorite room is not available right now, please fill out this form.You will be notified as soon as a new vacancy comes up.

Our system is currently having an error to send emails to the address provided by hotmail・livemail・outlook.
Please use the email address provided by other companies (Gmail, yahoo, ...etc.), or refer to the link to solve the problem.
If you don't hear from us for more than 2-3days, please contact us via Skype or call. Thank you.

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female 20's



male 20's



female 20's

After over 5 years I have too many good memories to count. I have loved all the holiday and birthday dinner/partys. And I have always been comforted in the knowledge that there will always be someone that you can talk to if you just want to hangout. I am glad that I chose Nakai house all those years ago. If you are moving to Japan or just moving to Tokyo the best way to start your new chapter is to move in to a share house. At Borderless House you will have Japanese and foreigners living together with various levels of Japanese and English. You will get friends for life and everyone is so nice and willing to help if you ever need it. Everyone has their own culture and experience but come together for an amazing experience you will never forget.


female 30's

人生の青春をここで過ごしました。 生活も、国際交流も遊びも、なにもかもをここで楽しく経験して ありえないほど早く毎日が過ぎていきました。 今までアジアの人としか縁がなかったのですが、 アメリカやヨーロッパの方々と濃い交流ができたことはいい経験です。


male 20's

Great amenities and friendly staff and housemates! I become so attached with housemates so difficult to leave but on my next visit to tokyo I will want to stay in nakai house again!Thank you !


male 20's



  • Inquire Searching for an available room

    Reserve your room or Inquire us from our website/phone.Make a reservation for room-viewing.

  • Room-viewing

    You can also make a reservation without room-viewing.

  • Confirmation of room reservation

    You can move-in after 2 days at the earliest. You can make a reservation from the list above.

  • Contract・Move-in

    Making a contract either in our office or the House.


  • Can I move-in soon? Can I stay only for a month?
    You can make a reservation without room-viewing. So, you can move-in after 2 days at the earliest.
    Minimum of 1 month-stay is required.
  • How much does it cost to move in?
    Initial fee 50,000 yen (30,000 yen key money and 20,000 yen deposit are included) and the first month's rent and utility fee have to be paid within three business days after the reservation is confirmed. If you would like to rent the bedding set, there is an additional one-time rental fee - 9,000 yen. (Bedding set includes sheet, mattress pad, futon, futon cover, pillow, pillow cover, and blanket.)

    *Rent and utility for the first month are calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day you move in.
    *If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent starts 2 weeks after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room will be available from a certain day, your rent will start 2 weeks after the available day at the latest.
    *Restoration Fee 5,000 yen~10,000 yen will be deducted from the deposit, depends on the duration of your stay.
    We ask for an initial fee of 800,000won total, consisting of 300,000won management fee and 500,000won deposit within 3 business days after your reservation is confirmed.
    Management fee is non-refundable and this is covering the maintenance of the house and other support we give our tenants. Deposit is refundable so we will give this back to you on your moving out day if there is no problem.
    This initial fee has to be paid within three days after the reservation was confirmed. In case you are renting a bedding set from us, there is an additional one-time rental fee of 60,000 won. Rent and utility of the first month (calculated on a pro-rated basis from the day of your move-in) has to be paid by your move-in day.
    The initial fee totals 6,500 NTD, including a management fee of 1,500 NTD and a deposit of 5,000 NTD. Please complete the payment within one day after receiving the confirmation email of your reservation.
    ※The rent and utility fees for the first month (calculated from the move-in day until the end of the month) must be paid on the move-in day.
    ※If the room you reserved is currently available, your rent will begin to be calculated from 14 days after you sent us the reservation at the latest. If the room becomes available on a specific date, your rent will start to be calculated from 14 days after that available date at the latest.
  • Can I move-in even though I cannot speak local language?
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
    There are many tenants at Borderless House who may not speak the local language, have recently started learning it, or are visiting the country for the first time. Additionally, the local housemates who move into Borderless House have a keen interest in foreign languages and cultures. Many of them prefer using English in their daily lives. Your housemates will be more than willing to assist you in challenging situations, and it's not uncommon for people to experience improvements in their language skills after moving in. Don't worry!
  • Can I get along with my housemates?
    Borderless House offers you great opportunities to communicate with people. Our tenants discuss & set the House rules like cleaning rules together. Through those discusstion, they create nice and comfortable life environment.
    It is our pleasure to support our tenants even after their move-in. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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